Monday, April 15, 2013

Hello and welcome to my blog!  This blog is meant to share my journey from about as unhealthy as you can be to being a healthy, vibrant woman. So why is my story different? It's not really. I'm just like any other overweight person - tired, often in denial of my weight issues, always making excuses for my weight, and very frequently have fleeting moments of trying to be healthy. Why is it different this time? I don't know. Maybe I will keep my good eating up for a week or two like always and then fall off, OR maybe this will be it. This will be my breakthrough. This will be my time. All I know is I am only 64 pounds away from the weight my mother was when she passed away from obesity related issues. I'm 27 and 486 lbs. I used to be able to walk for 8 hours straight, now I can't walk one lap around a track without feeling excruciating pain in my back. I used to wear cute clothes, now its hard to find clothes that fit. I used to be vivacious, now I am reserved and quiet. I wonder, "How did I get this way?" I was always a big girl, but the 100+ pound weight gain over the last two years has taken a massive toll on my mental and physical health. As I creep closer and closer to 500 pounds, fear and anxiety controls my life. 

So I don't have a memoir for an initial post, I will delve into my life and the many contributing factors to my weight at a later time. For now, all you need to know is I am on a journey with the goals to be fit - to be mentally strong - to be vibrant - to be comfortable in my own body- to be the true me.

Join me



  1. Sondra - I think that it is wonderful of you to share your journey. We all have stories to tell and yours is one that may inspire many to make changes that will benefit them. Thanks for being brave enough to share.
