Saturday, July 27, 2013

Obesity and skin

I always wondered why I have so many skin problems my body it's nice to know there are answers.

Skin Problems and Obesity

Posted by SkinCareKatyObesity in both men and women can cause multiple illnesses including heart disease and cancer. Few people, however, think of skin problems when it comes to obesity. Obesity results in extra folds of skin that may be difficult to disinfect and keep clean. That in turn can make the skin an ideal host for bacteria and fungi. Resistances to insulin as well as vein problems are two other issues that result from obesity which can affect the skin negatively.Obese people tend to develop a skin condition called Acanthosis Nigricans, a skin disorder that results in brown and black spots. This is mainly due to the increased insulin levels. The discoloration normally appears under the arms, on the neck and sometimes in the groin area.Another skin condition related to obesity is folliculitis. It is normally due to small whiteheads around one or more of the hair follicles on the skin. Obese people are at risk for folliculitis because the extra weight puts added pressure on the hair follicles, which can damage them and allow infection to occur.Skin tags are yet another skin problem resulting from obesity. Skin can grow and stick out and may be connected with a narrow stock. Skin tags are benign and usually do not cause any pain. They are, however, more common in overweight people because the extra weight causes friction between the affected areas of skin.One obvious and major issue of the skin related to being overweight is cellulite. Cellulitis is not only a cosmetic issue that causes undesirable stretch marks. It also causes infection of the skin that is caused by bacteria. Cellulitis can cause chronic pain and tenderness in the affected area, as well as excessive sweating and muscle aches.Few people know that Obesity can be the cause of enlarged varicose veins. These veins will be raised above the skin’s surface. They are more common on the inside of the legs and backs of the calves. If the valves of a vein are weak due to obesity, blood leaks back into the vein and collects in a pool. The pooling of blood in the vein causes the vein to become enlarged. Not only varicose veins are aesthetically undesirable, they can also cause other vascular health problems.In summary, if you are suffering from weight problems, you most likely have skin problems as well. While major health concerns such as cardio and heart problems should top your agenda, it is highly recommended that you also seek help from your local dermatologist or skin clinic to address any skin issues. A healthy lifestyle comprised of a balanced diet and exercise should lead to weight loss and in turn reverse some of the skin problems.

Katy Issa

Quiet the voices of self doubt, I claim victory

  • Don't go, you don't have anything clean to wear - I threw on my gym clothes from yesterday
  • You can't go, you didn't sleep enough, your body needs rest - I'll take a nap later
  • You've got too much to do today already - This is the only thing that matters today
  • You're doing it all alone, no one believe you'll succeed - I got God in my corner and people who believe in me
  • You might as well stop now, you already binged this week, you're a failure - I claim victory in my heavenly father's name. I may fall six times, but I rise 7.
  • Your stomach is growling, you need to eat, theres a burger king, come on, a breakfast sandwich won't hurt - I'll drink my protein shake and fruit when I get back. 
  • It looks like it might rain, better turn back - Good, I need a shower. 
  • You know how hard its going to be to get walking? You haven't walked all week - I'll push through
  • Your pace is slowing, you should just stop now - Carmen said don't stop, keep going
  • You need to pee - I can hold it
  • Your back is hurting, better sit down - I made it before, I can make it again
  • Everyone is passing you - We all run our own race
  • You're almost finished, why not stop now, you've done enough - I'm not done yet
  • Your time will be worse than when you first started, I bet its probably 40 minutes today - IT WAS 24:30.....anything else you have to say? I claim victory. The set backs I had this week, the internal and external pressures to fail, God has an anointing on my life and while there will always be someone or something against you, you have to push through and put your faith in him. I am learning to walk by FAITH not by SIGHT.  I may not see the end of the journey but everyday I am one step closer. I have to stay focused, shut up the self doubt, and walk in him!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Oh deep fried fat, why do you tempt me so?!

I couldn't help myself, Monday and Tuesday this week I fell victim to my binges in my weakest time - the evenings. It started with KFC for dinner on Monday, then Pizza Hut for lunch on Tuesday followed by a midnight snack of 6 Krispy Kremes Tuesday night. Not working out any of those days made me feel even worse. I felt like sh*t when I looked in the mirror. Immediately I felt my energy being zapped out of me. I just wanted to sleep. I couldn't find the energy to get out of bed. My stomach ached after being on fresh fruits and veggies and then cramming it with the high powered sludge from my binge. I emailed my walking coach with such a sense of failure but she reassured me that days like this would happen and that I need to keep going. I'm a bit nervous because I am wondering how the binges and not working out this week will affect my workout tomorrow. We will soon see.....

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Ok, screw the pounds, I AM 8 MINUTES DOWN!!!!!

Today was week 2 of my 5k walk training class. Once again I was the only one to show up to the class but its okay. I've gotten over trying to get other people to join in with me and I'm focused on my own health.  I felt nervous as I sat and listened to my instructor. Last week when I walked our same path that we were about to take today, I felt like I was gonna die! I was so sore I slept all day and felt like I was hit by a truck and now this week she mentioned walking a little faster. WHAT! I doubted myself but in my heart I knew I could make it, I just had to focus on my end goal. This is my time to get fit, finally, no backing out. We went to our starting point and she hit the timer. Immediately, I noticed my pace was a little faster. As we pasted the park benches, I remembered last week how my body begged to sit down in the first few minutes. This week i blew past those suckers! As we rounded the lake and looped back to our starting point, she looked at me and said "your pace is better than last week". I noticed it too but what I focused on the most was that my body pain didn't kick in until towards the end of the walk - even then it was minimal- and I kept my pace. When we made it to our starting point she stopped the watch and I waited anxiously for her to tell me my time. I was hoping I shaved a minute or two off. My heart jumped for joy and I squealed like a little girl when the words came out of her mouth - "Last week it took you 30 minutes to walk the route, this week it only took you 22!" I jumped for joy!!!! I could not believe it! 8 MINUTES down from just one week! I was so happy I wanted to do more!

I am done with wanting a change, I am now MAKING a change!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

You can do it!!

So its official yesterday I started training for my 5k, walking of course not running. When I walked my 3k in March I had to stop 3 or 4 times to sit down and my back was hurting within the first 5 minutes. I came in last at that race , & I mean dead last. this race in September I am hoping that won't happen again but if it does that's OK at least I will have finished.  When I got up yesterday I had 4 people who are supposed to walk with me but when it came down to it it was just me and the trainer. Even though it was just us she still have the class as there there was a crowd , we started with her testimony in why she started training and fitness and then we talk about why I felt the need to get in shape. Then we started our walk, since I was just starting out we were going to do a 15 minute easy walk. I let her know beforehand that because of my way I would likely be one of the slowest in the class so it was a relief that I was the only one there. I looked at the 15 minutes and thought okay I can try to do this for 15 minutes. as we started walking I only got a few feet before I started breaking out in a sweat, but we kept going. as we carried on our conversation my mind raced to find a place to sit and as if she knew what I was thinking the words came out of her mouth that made my heart pound " you want to make sure you don't stop, you can slow down but don't stop".
Huh, wait, what... But but but...CRAP!
We continued walking and my pace slowed, but I made sure I did not stop. my back was screaming out I stumbled over my feet a few times but we kept going. She looked at her watch "oh good, we are just over our 15 minutes" I thought to myself great I can sit down now, but no. we kept walking we had to get back to our starting point. I was determined to not let her see me panic. As we rounded corner of the Pond, I felt a glimmer of hope, fireworks shot of my head cheerleaders jumped out of my ears we are on our way back to the car where I could sit my ass down!! As we got closer and closer to our starting point I realized that I did not stop once. I had a tear in my eye as we got closer to our end point, and she held her stop watch for me to see. I was ecstatic to see it at 30 minutes. It may not sound like a big deal but I have not been able to walk a full solid 30 minutes without sitting down since God knows when.  If I did not have her pushing me I would have sat down at every few yards where there was a chair but instead I pushed through I broke beyond my comfort zone, went past the- I think I'm going to die zone, and ended in the- okay I think I can do this zone.   My body has been pushed that far since 3k that I walked in March. Afterwards I came home and slept for hours. Every muscle in my body ached, and still does actually. today is my day of rest and tomorrow I start my walking again. to think that I can do a 5k at my size is an insanely optimistic goal but I know I can do it and I can't wait to cross that finish line.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Quit being a pain in your own ass

Looking in the mirror this morning, instead of criticizing myself like I normally do I instead spoke love. Normally when I look in the mirror, I find ways to cover my “trouble” areas. My self-consciousness about my arm flab or my belly overhang made me feel worthless as I stepped out the house.  But not today.  I spoke words of love about each body part that made me feel uncomfortable. My arms, though big and flabby have cradled nieces and nephews at their birth, have given hugs when tears flowed from their eyes, and have provided a sense of security when they are in my presence – because they know I will defend them with every ounce of my being. My cheeks though they have increased in size over the years glow when I give my sly and sometimes devilish grin when I get ideas crazy enough that only I believe they can be accomplished. My little gap in my front teeth looks absolutely adorable when I smile, which is something I do all the time and I am told often it brightens everyone’s day. My stomach which hangs low will someday be filled with a new life that I will nurture and instill the morals and values that were instilled in me. My short legs have held me up and allowed me to continue my walk through life through the pain and devastation I have experienced. My body, though some may not like it, is mine. I have the amazing opportunity to build it the way that I want and make it an efficient machine to continue to carry me throughout my journey. I have the opportunity to see it grow in strength, shrink in size, and transform into a healthy temple that can be used to inspire others.  How amazing is that?!

While in my spiritual time this morning, the word of positive thinking and declarations seemed to pop out at every available chance. What we speak, we believe. I do not want to spend my life putting myself down and being upset over my circumstances. Instead, I am choosing to remain optimistic about where I will go and be eternally grateful for how blessed I am. The weight loss is only part of my journey; I am working on building myself spiritually and emotionally as well as physically. Be kind to yourself.

Find beauty in yourself every day.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

I just want to tie my shoes

So laying in bed this morning I thought of all the extra little things that I have to do that normal people don't have to worry about. When I go to sleep at night, because the fat around the top of my chest and neck is so heavy, I actually cup my neck with my hand as I sleep to hold the fat away from my throat so i can breathe. When I do wake up it takes extra effort to get out of bed and I hobble to the bathroom with aches and pains every morning. I turn sideways to get through doors and putting on bra's is an Olympic event. So is putting on shoes for that matter. I haven't been able to tie my shoes in years, nearly 10 I bet. My shoes are always tied loosely so I can slip them on and off and I can't wear cute heels anymore because I'm self conscious about the fat that overflows from the top of them. I miss cute jeans. I miss having them hug my curves instead of now the elastic makes everything look baggy. I miss cute and stylish tops, now I'm restricted to the few fashionable and trendy tops I can find on clearance at Catherine's- the only walk in store that carries my size...period. I miss going on walks without having to plan ahead where I will be able to sit. I hate having to research every restaurant I'm going to so that I can see what their seats look like. If the chairs have arms - its a no go for me! I want to go to a football game and be able to sit in the seats. I hate having people stop and watch me get into and out of my car, or people trying to slyly take pictures of me. I'm tired of feeling like my life is passing me by. I'm tired of seeing my grandmother cry thinking about losing me like she lost my mom. I want to ride a roller coaster with my niece. I miss going camping, I used to love it but there's no way I could do it now. I miss protesting. I miss being active. I miss swimming. The last time I went swimming, the murmurs of people as they saw me walk by in my tank top and knee length shorts were devastating. "I didn't know there were whales out here" or "let me clear the lake so she can get in".

I'm tired of being different. Don't get me wrong, I celebrate my individuality and the idiosyncrasies that make me unique but I want a somewhat normal life.

 I wish this process would speed up. I see people who lose 100 pounds in 6 months and I wonder how they found the determination and will power. I need to see the struggle. I need to know that I am not alone. I guess that is one reason why I started this blog. I know there's someone else out there like me.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

We could use a little "change"

So I watched the movie Forks Over Knives and I am absolutely terrified.  All my life I have eaten fried, fatty, breaded, and greasy foods.  The evidence presented in the movie was astounding! The causal link between an animal based diet and poor health was very eye opening. I’m an morbidly obese woman in my late 20s and I have high blood pressure, borderline high cholesterol, depression, and severe back pain because of my weight. As a young child, I knew we were poor but mom always made sure we ate good. While there were some nights I remember going to bed hungry,  I remember some nights we only had rice which was smothered in butter.  Everything we ate was fried to increase flavor. Our vegetables were green beans. Our fruits were….well….we didn’t eat a lot of fresh fruits. Later when we received government food boxes we had canned pork which I remember was covered in solidified grease and fat which tasted soo good when it was cooked. And sugar, oh my the sugar! Sweet tea, sugar water, kool aid, everything had sugar in it! When we got to place where we were able to have a little extra money I remember going  “fast food shopping” with mom. It was our bond. We went from KFC to Wendys to McDonalds. We ordered item after item from the menu. We didn’t have a lot of time together because she worked long hours so I enjoyed our time together and it was always food related. When I was in 3rd 5th grade and I weighed 230lbs, I didn’t think it was an issue. When I was 16 and had to shop in the men’s section of the store because the women’s plus size section didn’t have anything my size, I began to realize I had a problem. I started a walking program and began trying to eat better. I went vegetarian for 6 months and lost 60lbs. We couldn’t afford my “health food” so I went back to our regular diet and exploded.  Fast food and addictive food are so much easier to come by.  A 99 cent burger tastes so friggin amazing and its insanely cheap! And of course we eat salads, but we smother it in ranch dairy based dressings.  I’ve always said its cheaper to eat fat instead of healthy and that is a belief our culture has fallen victim to but I don’t know how we can change that.  How can we demand better  foods, fresher foods, reasonably priced organic foods??? How can we break our addiction to sugars and fats with our “pushers” on every street with their attractive neon colors and promises of a cheap thrill? How can we wake up to what we are doing to our bodies? How can we stop killing ourselves?

What the hell is a huckleberry?!

So I have been reading a book called “Raw Food, Real World” by Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis (she was so kind to send it to me to help me in my journey-Thanks Sarma!!) and I am absolutely blown away by the raw food lifestyle. I have tried various diets before – including vegetarian in which I lost 60 lbs as a teenager before inevitably going back to meat- and all resulted in weight loss, weight gain, and overall an empty bank account. When I started reading about the raw food diet in the book, my first though was “okay, how much is this going to cost?” The thought of buying vegetables and fruits when I was…and still am…broke was a bit overwhelming. Then I thought of what I had spent just the night before - nearly $27 in pizza and wings, $20 in alcohol drinks- and I felt like an idiot. While that type of spending isn’t a nightly thing – it is nearly a weekly occurrence.  These types of meals are my “treats” and “rewards” for my healthy eating and few pounds lost. A… incredibly stupid to reward yourself for good eating with sludge like that…and B - How could I sit here and complain about how much it costs to eat healthy when I just spent $47 on one meal? It is amazing to me how we rationalize our behaviors and habits in order to keep our lives the way they are. I’m the first to admit, I want change but I am terrified of it.  I’ve gone through a lot of change in my life but my weight and health has always been the one thing that has stayed constant-constantly fat and unhealthy of course- but constant.   I want change but I know it will not (and has not) been an easy journey.  I have stumbled many times, had a few successes and plenty of failures, but in the end it comes back to me being afraid of change.  While I am afraid of change, the cost of staying where I am is absolute death. There is no way I will be alive in the next 10 years if I continue the pattern of weight loss and weight gain I have experienced my whole life so a change is needed.
Hang on….let me read my breadcrumb trail to see how I got on this point….

Oh, raw food, yes. As I read through the recipes of the book, I was intimidated by ingredients I vaguely remembered seeing on the shelves at stores but would never dare to try. Things like quinoa,  jicama, agave,  and huckleberries (which by the way I had no idea was a real thing!). I remember hearing these terms on various cooking shows but as far as me using them, it never crossed my mind. My diet of processed frozen foods, refined flours, sugars, and fats is what I am used to. Sure I eat fruits and vegetables – I love Brussel sprouts and watermelon, but my tastes don’t roam far from what I grew up on.  I am excited to start incorporating some raw foods into my diet but I am also nervous as well and I’m not sure why.  Maybe it’s the fear of the unknown, or maybe its my own fear of success.  Either way, I’m willing to give it a try.