Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The first step on the yellow brick road...

So, I start my journey at a whopping 486.6 pounds. Getting on the scale, I had an idea of how much I weighed so I was not shocked. In fact, I was relieved that I had not yet hit 500lbs. So far, the most frustrating part of the journey is finding a scale that goes up to 500lbs. With most in store scales only going up to a max of 350, I not only had to go online to find a scale but I also had to kick out more money. The first one I bought from sears for about $50 broke after 4 uses so I had to kick out another $50 to buy a different one. This one so far is working great.

My biggest obstacle has been trying to abstain from fast food. I say abstain because me with fast food is never a good combination. My will power is nonexistent so going to a fast food restaurant and choosing a healthy item over the plethora of high fat choices is not going to happen, lets face it, I didn't get to this weight by eating grilled chicken. I'm a crackhead when it comes to a cheeseburger so the best thing for me to do is to avoid it all together.

While I could list on and on the many obstacles that may hinder my journey, I wont. I will however write about them as I encounter them and hopefully share my strategies for overcoming them.

Be blessed....


  1. The first step is always the hardest! Good for you!!

  2. Indeed it is. Thank you for your support!
