Sunday, July 14, 2013

You can do it!!

So its official yesterday I started training for my 5k, walking of course not running. When I walked my 3k in March I had to stop 3 or 4 times to sit down and my back was hurting within the first 5 minutes. I came in last at that race , & I mean dead last. this race in September I am hoping that won't happen again but if it does that's OK at least I will have finished.  When I got up yesterday I had 4 people who are supposed to walk with me but when it came down to it it was just me and the trainer. Even though it was just us she still have the class as there there was a crowd , we started with her testimony in why she started training and fitness and then we talk about why I felt the need to get in shape. Then we started our walk, since I was just starting out we were going to do a 15 minute easy walk. I let her know beforehand that because of my way I would likely be one of the slowest in the class so it was a relief that I was the only one there. I looked at the 15 minutes and thought okay I can try to do this for 15 minutes. as we started walking I only got a few feet before I started breaking out in a sweat, but we kept going. as we carried on our conversation my mind raced to find a place to sit and as if she knew what I was thinking the words came out of her mouth that made my heart pound " you want to make sure you don't stop, you can slow down but don't stop".
Huh, wait, what... But but but...CRAP!
We continued walking and my pace slowed, but I made sure I did not stop. my back was screaming out I stumbled over my feet a few times but we kept going. She looked at her watch "oh good, we are just over our 15 minutes" I thought to myself great I can sit down now, but no. we kept walking we had to get back to our starting point. I was determined to not let her see me panic. As we rounded corner of the Pond, I felt a glimmer of hope, fireworks shot of my head cheerleaders jumped out of my ears we are on our way back to the car where I could sit my ass down!! As we got closer and closer to our starting point I realized that I did not stop once. I had a tear in my eye as we got closer to our end point, and she held her stop watch for me to see. I was ecstatic to see it at 30 minutes. It may not sound like a big deal but I have not been able to walk a full solid 30 minutes without sitting down since God knows when.  If I did not have her pushing me I would have sat down at every few yards where there was a chair but instead I pushed through I broke beyond my comfort zone, went past the- I think I'm going to die zone, and ended in the- okay I think I can do this zone.   My body has been pushed that far since 3k that I walked in March. Afterwards I came home and slept for hours. Every muscle in my body ached, and still does actually. today is my day of rest and tomorrow I start my walking again. to think that I can do a 5k at my size is an insanely optimistic goal but I know I can do it and I can't wait to cross that finish line.

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