Saturday, July 20, 2013

Ok, screw the pounds, I AM 8 MINUTES DOWN!!!!!

Today was week 2 of my 5k walk training class. Once again I was the only one to show up to the class but its okay. I've gotten over trying to get other people to join in with me and I'm focused on my own health.  I felt nervous as I sat and listened to my instructor. Last week when I walked our same path that we were about to take today, I felt like I was gonna die! I was so sore I slept all day and felt like I was hit by a truck and now this week she mentioned walking a little faster. WHAT! I doubted myself but in my heart I knew I could make it, I just had to focus on my end goal. This is my time to get fit, finally, no backing out. We went to our starting point and she hit the timer. Immediately, I noticed my pace was a little faster. As we pasted the park benches, I remembered last week how my body begged to sit down in the first few minutes. This week i blew past those suckers! As we rounded the lake and looped back to our starting point, she looked at me and said "your pace is better than last week". I noticed it too but what I focused on the most was that my body pain didn't kick in until towards the end of the walk - even then it was minimal- and I kept my pace. When we made it to our starting point she stopped the watch and I waited anxiously for her to tell me my time. I was hoping I shaved a minute or two off. My heart jumped for joy and I squealed like a little girl when the words came out of her mouth - "Last week it took you 30 minutes to walk the route, this week it only took you 22!" I jumped for joy!!!! I could not believe it! 8 MINUTES down from just one week! I was so happy I wanted to do more!

I am done with wanting a change, I am now MAKING a change!