Saturday, May 25, 2013

Nothing will change without exercise

So this has been a difficult week for me. I found out on last Friday that I would be without a job on June 10th and with my fiance unemployed as well, the pressure is on. My faith is strong however and I know God has a plan for me. That being said, I have been in a "funk" all week and haven't gone to work out. As I stepped on the scale this morning and it read 480 lbs, I was reminded that I cannot lose weight without adequate exercise. My calorie intake is still around 2,000 (the 1200 was too low for me and I ended up binging nightly) and I have still cut the majority of alcohol out of my life which has greatly helped my energy level and has helped me stay focused on my weight loss. Normally when I drink I could care less about what I eat, as a matter of fact, I usually crave Chinese and eat until I vomit. I have been working so hard and trying to stay on track but man oh man, I have slipped and tripped the entire way but at least my slip ups aren't as big as they normally are.  Yesterday, I went to an all you can eat buffet and was so proud that I stuck to one plate instead of my usual 3. I also selected seafood and chicken instead of heavily sauced items or piling my plate with deep fried items. I reminded myself that the key to weight loss is making small changes versus making big changes all at once.I also realized that my slip ups come more often when I am starving. This can be remedied by me packing snacks throughout the day and ensuring I have little snacks (almonds, etc) in the car so I am not tempted to stop by a fast food place. I will be starting that today. I am also happy to report that I am starting a bible study and walking club under the direction of a fitness trainer that helped my aunt run her first 5k. At the end of the eight weeks we will walk a 5k. Once I am done with that I am hoping to eventually move into running. I see people running everyday and they speak so highly of it, I want to be fit and turn my body into the machine that they have. I see it, I want it, I am going for it.

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