Sunday, May 26, 2013

My 10 Committments

Instead of me going about my weight loss in a scattered manner, I am creating a plan that hopefully will help me lose weight without feeling hungry or obsessing about everything I put in my mouth....giggidy.

So first things first....
1. I am committing to drink at least 64oz of water a day
2. I am committing to eliminating fast food from my  (THIS will be a Challenge!!!)
3. I am committing to eating a minimum of 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables a day (I usually meet this requirement with my breakfast kale smoothie)
4. I am committing to make a conscious effort to avoid overly processed foods
5. I am committing to avoid fried foods and excessively fatty foods.
6. I am committing to become more active daily, it may not be a full 30 minute workout but at least walking more and talking a walk around my neighborhood daily.
7. I am committing to increase my time with God daily. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, that includes my efforts to lose weight.
8. I will log everything I eat through the "MyFitnessPal" app daily
9. I will plan my meals the night before, Failure to Plan, is Planning to Fail
10. I will limit breads and white grains - Again this will be difficult since I eat white rice or bread at nearly every meal but it is possible. I will make make the exception for brown rice and whole wheat breads - but I will watch my portions.

I am hoping the scale will drop more by this time next week.

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